I know it's not very DS at all but I like to be kissed into submission.
I met someone recently. A possible Dom. We had chatted via MSN for a while. He rode a motorbike and smoked cigars...odd checklist I know, but these things quite do it for me! We had lunch...nice restaurant, great conversation and yes, there was a definite tang of sexual tension in the air. There was lots of descriptive words and explanations of what he would do to me, and I could feel them having some effect, but as I sat there on a sagging sofa in a busy pub I realised that neither of us had even made an effort to kiss the other and it was then I knew that it wasn't right for me.
In the past, BadBoy's kisses were aggressive over-the-top attacks on my very being that left me weak legged, with no other choice than to submit to him. I thought that I wanted the same thing again.
But from the very moment I met Sir I wanted to kiss him and be kissed. He covered me in kisses..my mouth, my neck, my shoulders, even my wrists. Within an hour of meeting each other we were necking on a park bench like teenagers. He doesn't need to give me elaborate descriptions of exciting sexual adventures we will have together (although luckily he still does!), or overcome me with his overwhelming physicality. All he has to do is kiss me and I simply want to submit.
Peplum tops
4 days ago
How lucky you are that Sir can rock your world in such a way. I have to admit to being a tad jealous :)