One of my readers, a certain Iron Man, has suggested that I seem to have slave-like tendencies and were he my Dom, that's the avenue he'd be taking me. Hmm, well apart from being extremely cheeky, I am pretty sure Iron Man is way off the mark here.
I must admit I can't quite see the master and slave thing..I mean in general, not just for me. Okay, I get the ownership fact the thought of Sir owning me does induce a very strong physiological reaction. Okay, I admit it...It's kind of hot and I get real life? Really. it's hardly practical and I'm pretty sure you can't sustain that heat 24/7..or even if you meet up part time. And what use is a part time slave?
And when the heat's gone...what's left?!
Domestic duties? Hmmm, that leaves no appeal. Some of the best advice I got off my father (who I am sure longed for a son rather than two daughters) was "never learn how to sew, type or clean as you'll end up doing it for someone else... A man, probably." And he was so right. I have never learned to sew. Any stray man who wants me to sew up his trousers or coat pocket is directed to the dry cleaners. I do tidy and clean but I am so lazy that I do a crap job and everyone else decides they'll do it instead. Indeed, my own children tidy up after me!
I gave in on the typing thing...I don't think my Dad was envisaging a world with computers at that time. And I do cook, mainly because I find it relaxing. But his advice seems to have worked well...I don't really have to do that domestic drudgery side of things on the the thought of offering to do it for someone else is kind of ...well, I can't even imagine it.
Okay. domestic drudgery aside...what about the control thing. Having someone make decisions for you. Some of the Doms I have spoken to have been looking for slaves they can do just that with, and manage them full time. Once again, I can sort of see the attraction...maybe for a day. I am such a control freak that not being able to make a decision for a day or so might be quite a nice holiday...either that or it will some kind of stress-induced mental breakdown.
But full time? I really don't get that.
Mind you, the more I write on this the more I can see the appeal from the Dom's side. Sigh..maybe I just need my own slave....
Peplum tops
4 days ago
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